Bartosik Behavior & Beyond

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Fun training session with your dog at home

We will be spending more time at home with the current covid-19 outrage. Why don’t we use this time to develop skills with our dogs in a fun way? It doesn’t have to be a dull time. Training can also be fun!

I believe that the most effective training is when both parties enjoy it equally. I worked on a matt behaviour and wait for behaviour with my friend’s beloved Tosia, beautiful bullterrier. It was just a beginning stage and what I was also teaching is that the training session is no different than play! Just look at this happy face (not mine, hers, I’m just happy I see a dog haha). [Edit: video of the training session will be available soon].

I was tossing food on the matt whenever she stepped on it. I arranged the environment so it was more likely for her to step on it – I was on the opposite side and she was going towards me. When she went on it, I reinforced a couple of times. Then, I tossed the treat out so she went after it and had to come back. That’s a crucial moment! I observed what she was doing and when she came towards a matt I reinforced on the matt again. I observed what worked better and from which angle did she come back fully to the matt. She did so when I tossed behind her so that’s what I used. We practiced coming back to the matt and line-up on it. When she didn’t do it, I made a step back and immediately reinforced when she put her paw on the matt. Next time I tried to toss the treat further to give her a room for full pivot and make it more likely that she will step on the matt. When at some point I saw that she slowed down and didn’t come back to the matt fully, that to me was a sign that we should take a break. For the break I had a kong with peanut butter ready, so the training session doesn’t mean the end of fun! It means delicious kong to play with.

In the meantime on the matt, I slowly started increasing the time between treats. I was reinforcing the wait. I didn’t want to do it too predictable though. When I waited for 4s., next time I reinforced just 2s or sometimes tossed one by one. By doing so, I increased the probability that Tosia will keep the wait. I don’t want my dogs to do mistakes, I want to plan my session in a way that it will be successful for both of us.

Working with your dog in a way that looks like play to them has an additional benefit. It makes you the source of fun. That increases likelihood that your dog will be coming to you more vigorously. Come when called is something many of us struggle with our dogs, why not increase our chances by making our interaction with our dogs more fun?

Stay safe and enjoy your interactions with your dog that will keep your spirits high in this difficult time for many. The benefits you’ll get by influencing your dog’s behaviour is just a bonus.

Be a superhero for your dog, she will love you for it!

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